#1 Top Realtor team Lakewood Ranch 2022 and 2023 (Michael Saunders & Co) ...less.
Gentleman, professional and would feel comfortable recommending Stuart to a prospective seller or buyer 5 stars
Thank You for your tireless efforts to find our dream home. I know it has been a long journey, but with a happy ending, we couldn't have done it without your hard work, counsel, positive attitude, and commitment to us. We always felt like your most important clients and we couldn't have been more pleased and blessed with you both. All the best and I am sure we will see you soon. Love and Cheers,Michelle and Chad
We met Stuart at an open house recently and found him to be pleasant, honest, approachable, knowledgeable of the area and diligent to connect and help in any way he can. We will be using Stuart in the upcoming year for both the sale of our condo and our upgrade to a permanent home. 5 STARS.
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