Mariam was an absolute pleasure to work with. Her cheerful personality shines through. She showed up on time, explained the whole process and timing and made it a very easy transaction. When something didn’t go right she got it corrected without issue. All the best, BobBob Jevin
The Buyers and I wanted to thank you for all you did on this transaction. My Buyers and I agree that if not you, this sale would have not happened. Not only you met us to show the house a few times, but thanks to your persistence after we made an offer, you made this deal happen. My buyers gave up a couple of times, but you kept calling me and kept the offer alive and brought it to mutual agreement. Thank you so much from all of us for all you did, for numerous phone calls between you and I, and for always making yourself available. The sellers are very lucky and blessed they had you! Ilona Dillon Waterfront Realty Group, Inc.
My husband and I will be retiring in the near future so we will need to sell our existing home and buy a new home. This new home will be where we intend to live out our golden years. Mariam is the only Realtor who I trust to make our transition successful. I have known Mariam for many years both professionally and personally. She is one of the most trustworthy, professional, committed and kind person that I know. She has always treated me like family, whether she was answering my calls at all hours or making time for me, no matter what. I highly recommend Mariam for all of your real estate needs. Susan Schoengold Development Manager at Compeer of the Gulf Coast Compeer of the Gulf Coast Sarasota
Mariam was an absolute pleasure to work with. Her cheerful personality shines through. She showed up on time, explained the whole process and timing and made it a very easy transaction. When something didn’t go right she got it corrected without issue. All the best, Bob Bob Jevin
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