Like vibrant splashes of color on a blank canvas, arts and culture come alive in Sarasota, Manatee and Charlotte Counties.
An abundance of memorable pleasures are waiting to be explored throughout our area. Recognized as one of the nation's best small arts communities, the Gulf Coast offers a wide spectrum of attractions, museums, and institutions.
Take a tour of paintings and sculptures by the great old masters or admire contemporary art along the Bayfront.
Our local heritage has benefited from dreamers and developers, including John Ringling of Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, whose legacy helped establish arts and culture as a pillar of our region.
You've penciled-in Tuesday with Tchaikovsky, Oscar Wilde on Wednesday, Thursday night's La Traviata, Shakespeare on Saturday, and a visit to the circus on Sunday. Is there a better way to spend your week?
Known as the "Cultural Capital of Florida", spend an evening experiencing thrilling new sights or sharing in the classics.
Immerse yourself in a creative tour de force at the Sarasota Opera, the Sarasota Ballet, the Asolo Repertory Theatre, Manatee Performing Arts Center, Venice Theatre, the Charlotte Players, or any of our other remarkable organizations that light up the stage.
Art lovers will be truly indulged living on the Gulf Coast. With endless opportunities to pursue your own passions, from tap dancing to taking up the violin, you'll look forward to the beginning of each bright new day.
Many artists, performers, and musicians call this community home - at times filling the streets with art and song.
Tour a gallery, take a class, attend a festival, or simply appreciate art in its everyday forms.
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