Born & raised in Connecticut, Gail brings 32 years of experience in real estate to her customers. She provides quality service to buyers and sellers and prides herself on making a very important and sometimes emotional transaction smooth and enjoyable. Understanding and listening to a customers needs is high priority and helps to achieve this goal. This means getting to know each customer on a personal le... more.vel as well as a business one which she truly enjoys. Gail owned and operated her first business at the age of 22, exemplifying the entrepreneurial spirit that has been her guide since! Her extensive sales training and many years of experience will shine throughout the transaction. A balanced work-life schedule has always been important to Gail and she relishes her days on the beach, boating, reading, travel and the game of golf when time will allow. She has worked with many customers and their family members many times over and is humbled by their loyalty and kindness. ...less.
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