My wife and I recently had the pleasure of working with Brian Dorner, Realtor, and wanted to share our positive experiences with you. Brian is definitely a person you would want on your team. Brian is honest, a hard worker, and will go above and beyond what is expected in finding your dream home for you. We thought we had our next place to live but at the last moment the deal fell through. We gave Brian a call and that same day we were out looking at places to live! Within two days we had our next place thanks to Brian. If you are looking for your next home I would certainly recommend that you give Brian Dorner a call, you won’t regret it! Danny and Lori
i am from Brazil. I was walking over St Armands and went into a Realtor Office. Brian was there and was very professional and respectful. We told him as we live abroad our decision would take longer. He is a kind of sales person I would love to have in my team.
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